Business and Holiday trip from December 29th until January 13th to Asia and Australia

sydney fireworkThe decision on economic growth in the future will be made in Asia. Not the USA or Europe is the engine of the world economy but the BRIC states. Therefore I use my stay in Sydney/Australia to look for contacts in China for AUREN and ANTEA. The interest of Chinese partners in a membership in an international network is high. I’m very optimistic that my talks in Hongkong will be a good start for a coming collaboration.

Australia is not only the most beautiful country in the world, it is also a sleeping giant. Australia is rich in raw materials. The growing world economy and particular the emerging markets in China and India has an enormous appetite in raw materials. For me Australia will be one of the important economic players in the world in the future. I’ll also have some talks with colleagues in Sydney to discuss the possibilities of a collaboration with AUREN or at least with Antea.

I won’t forget to relax in Sydney because 2010 is rich of challenges and opportunities for AUREN. Sydney has the perfect spirit of living. Business is nice but it is nothing against a ice-cold beer with fellows at the beach.
Thank you for visiting my blog in 2009 . Hope to see you soon again here.

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