5th Worldwide Conference of AUREN in Buenos Aires – 21st October 2010 -
The 5th worldwide meeting of AUREN was held in Buenos Aires the prosperous capital of Argentina. More than 80 attendees joined this conference and used the opportunity to interchange their experiences. This time mainly about the world economic crisis. It was extremely interesting to hear the different views and opinions. The conference was perfectly prepared by the colleagues of Argentina. The quality of the convention and the hospitality will be always in our minds if we remember those days in Buenos Aires and Patagonia.
For AUREN was it a big step in the evolution. For the first time we discussed a real international approach of AUREN. Since the beginning of AUREN in 1998 the strategy was to become the leading national firm for medium sized companies. AUREN is one firm with offices in many cities.
In most of the countries with an AUREN presence we have reached a significant market position. Therefore it was time to discuss the next step. We are living in a dynamic and complex world, full of opportunities and risks. AUREN is the strategy to grow faster than others in our market. We are innovative in services but also in our business model. We can use this strength to reach a next level of our development.
The target is to be present in the main industrial countries of Europe and Latin-America. The image in the future should be: AUREN is one firm with offices in many countries.
To realize that goal we need a common framework (Vision, Mission, Values, Services, etc.). This framework is the base to develop common strategies and elements. Our internal organization has to intergrate international elements and furthermore we need a adequate international structure (board, secretary etc.)
The project of the development of an international structure and organization was introduced during a very active meeting on an Argentine hacienda. The perfect location for a strategic workshop. We also started with the first discussions and the end we finalized a timetable for this project. Until the next conference in May 2011 in Amsterdam we want to collect all the remarks of the countries. The common framework should be prepared and approved on the meeting in Amsterdam. I hope that many partners and employees are willing to participate in this process. It is a very important project for the future of AUREN.